with guitarist olavi
Keys & Chords: “How does the album differ from the previous ones and how is it similar?”
Olavi: “Well first of all, It’s a concept album. When we wrote the album we were kind of picturing that we were writing music for a movie and also the story base is like a film script. It was like we were making a movie and that’s different from what we have done in the past and we have another drummer on it so that’s quite difference.”
Keys & Chords: “How did you come up with the idea for a concept album?”
Olavi: “We were just thinking about other ideas and I think the concept is something we can think on for many years. We thought about a story that’s long enough to make an album for like eleven or ten songs. The singer said something about it and we tried to help to make the movie upload. Then Johan came up with the jomsviking story and we all found that that was the right story. So yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
Keys & Chords: “Where do you get your inspiration from? Is it based on a book, story or did you guys come up with the story and write about that?”
Olavi: “Yeah, definitely, the main inspiration is Johan's story that he wrote and we had to make music for his story, so that would be the main influence. Then of course, we all get inspired by bands that we like Slayer, Bolt Thrower, Iron Maiden and such things. Sometimes you get influenced by a film like Gladiator or even the new series of Vikings and stuff like that.”
Keys & Chords: “Can you tell us more about the common theme in these lyrics?”
Olavi: “The Jomsvikings back in the Viking era were the mercenary Vikings. You could hire them when you needed mercenary help. So basically our story is about a young man who kills a very important person in the village where he lives. He accidently kills him and then, he needs to flee for his life. During, his fleeing. He’s kind of running into the Jomsvikings and then he ends up with bad ass warriors, he will do a lot of fighting there and then in the end of the story, he travels back to his homeland. He tries to get back for what he lost in the beginning. He’s kinda like a new me, it’s a whole story. It’s like you see a young man grow up becoming a bad ass warrior. That’s the story. That’s the base of the story.”
Olavi: “Well first of all, It’s a concept album. When we wrote the album we were kind of picturing that we were writing music for a movie and also the story base is like a film script. It was like we were making a movie and that’s different from what we have done in the past and we have another drummer on it so that’s quite difference.”
Keys & Chords: “How did you come up with the idea for a concept album?”
Olavi: “We were just thinking about other ideas and I think the concept is something we can think on for many years. We thought about a story that’s long enough to make an album for like eleven or ten songs. The singer said something about it and we tried to help to make the movie upload. Then Johan came up with the jomsviking story and we all found that that was the right story. So yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
Keys & Chords: “Where do you get your inspiration from? Is it based on a book, story or did you guys come up with the story and write about that?”
Olavi: “Yeah, definitely, the main inspiration is Johan's story that he wrote and we had to make music for his story, so that would be the main influence. Then of course, we all get inspired by bands that we like Slayer, Bolt Thrower, Iron Maiden and such things. Sometimes you get influenced by a film like Gladiator or even the new series of Vikings and stuff like that.”
Keys & Chords: “Can you tell us more about the common theme in these lyrics?”
Olavi: “The Jomsvikings back in the Viking era were the mercenary Vikings. You could hire them when you needed mercenary help. So basically our story is about a young man who kills a very important person in the village where he lives. He accidently kills him and then, he needs to flee for his life. During, his fleeing. He’s kind of running into the Jomsvikings and then he ends up with bad ass warriors, he will do a lot of fighting there and then in the end of the story, he travels back to his homeland. He tries to get back for what he lost in the beginning. He’s kinda like a new me, it’s a whole story. It’s like you see a young man grow up becoming a bad ass warrior. That’s the story. That’s the base of the story.”
Keys & Chords: “This is your 10th album already, how do you find ways to innovate and improve your albums and sound?”
Well, I think we don’t think to much, obviously, for this album. We wanted to try something different and that’s the whole movie for a reason. Except for that, we just do whatever. We don’t think too much and if it’s good for ourselves we go for it. There’s not a special reason behind anything. If we like it, we like it.
Keys & Chords: “Once again mix and production are done by Andy Sneap. Are you happy with the end result?”
Olavi: “Yeah! Definitely, I think Andy is an amazing producer and I think he makes a fantastic sound for all the instruments and he’s very good in all what comes with and helps Johan with the vocals. I think he’s an amazing man and we definitely make a better production due to his humour. Also for us when we are recording, he’s very relaxed. The atmosphere in the studio is very happy. I mean, you’re laughing about things. We’re having a lot of fun together, so I think he's amazing and I can’t wait to be on an another one with him.”
Keys & Chords: “The band has a Busy tour schedule. In April and May, you’re doing an American tour and after that you're doing a lot of European festivals this summer; like Rock Im Park, Download festival, Fortarock, Graspop Metal Meeting, Hellfest, what can fans expect?”
Olavi: “First, we’re going to do a release show and that’s basically going to be small and swirly shows, not like a warm up for the tour. The tour after is going to have the biggest production we ever had in the United States; that’s going to be awesome. We have a great package we have Entombed and Exmortus and it’s like you said, we’re going to do the festivals in Europe. Like you mentioned Fortarock, Graspop and a lot of festivals and we're going to have the biggest production we ever had on a festival tour. That’s going to be really good and in fall, we’re going to do a main headliner tour. It’s not been announced yet, it’s going to be announced after the festivals. It’ll be amazing, it’s a really big production and the tour bands we bring with us are amazing bands, it’s going to be a good tour.”
Keys and Chords: “Will there be new things in the shows? Surprises maybe?”
Well, I think we don’t think to much, obviously, for this album. We wanted to try something different and that’s the whole movie for a reason. Except for that, we just do whatever. We don’t think too much and if it’s good for ourselves we go for it. There’s not a special reason behind anything. If we like it, we like it.
Keys & Chords: “Once again mix and production are done by Andy Sneap. Are you happy with the end result?”
Olavi: “Yeah! Definitely, I think Andy is an amazing producer and I think he makes a fantastic sound for all the instruments and he’s very good in all what comes with and helps Johan with the vocals. I think he’s an amazing man and we definitely make a better production due to his humour. Also for us when we are recording, he’s very relaxed. The atmosphere in the studio is very happy. I mean, you’re laughing about things. We’re having a lot of fun together, so I think he's amazing and I can’t wait to be on an another one with him.”
Keys & Chords: “The band has a Busy tour schedule. In April and May, you’re doing an American tour and after that you're doing a lot of European festivals this summer; like Rock Im Park, Download festival, Fortarock, Graspop Metal Meeting, Hellfest, what can fans expect?”
Olavi: “First, we’re going to do a release show and that’s basically going to be small and swirly shows, not like a warm up for the tour. The tour after is going to have the biggest production we ever had in the United States; that’s going to be awesome. We have a great package we have Entombed and Exmortus and it’s like you said, we’re going to do the festivals in Europe. Like you mentioned Fortarock, Graspop and a lot of festivals and we're going to have the biggest production we ever had on a festival tour. That’s going to be really good and in fall, we’re going to do a main headliner tour. It’s not been announced yet, it’s going to be announced after the festivals. It’ll be amazing, it’s a really big production and the tour bands we bring with us are amazing bands, it’s going to be a good tour.”
Keys and Chords: “Will there be new things in the shows? Surprises maybe?”
Olavi: “Yes, there’s definitely going to be new things. We’re going to have a complete new production and it will include some more theatrical aspects but I’m not going to go into those too deep because it’s going to be a surprise of course. We have big plans and we know the fans will love it. “
Keys & Chords: “The lyrics on the new album are like a script for a movie. are their any plans for a Amon Amarth movie or are you consider to do one for this album?” Olavi: “There are no plans to make a movie but you never know. Maybe but that’s the future.” Keys & Chords: “The release of the New album is scheduled for march 25, in the meanwhile your on tour in America and doing European festivals. Are there any plans for the future after that?” Olavi: “It’s like I said before, we’re going to have a full headlining tour at the end of the year and we definitely going to play Belgium and Holland and other European countries. It’s going to be good. Good production and good support bands.” Keys & Chords: “Last question, imagine yourself living in the viking era. How would you imagine your daily life to be? Family, hunter, warrior,..” Olavi: “I would probably be the guy travelling around the world. I would jump in a boat and conquer places. Like we do today but now we play music instead of fighting and we travel around the world, you know. Back in the Viking days, I would have a sword instead of a guitar. I would definitely travel the world ‘Jomsviking’ will be released on 25/03/2016. |
Silke Goethals