In 2010 schreef ik onderstaand uitgebreid artikel over de Afro-Amerikaanse soulzanger Teddy Pendergrass. Alsof ik een voorgevoel had, dat hij enige tijd daarna zou overlijden… Nu heb ik contact met zijn weduwe Joan Pendergrass, en nu gewapend met nieuwe informatie deze update.
De Afro-Amerikaanse zanger Teddy Pendergrass zingt zijn hele leven lang al. Hij werd geboren in Philadelphia op 26/03/1950, zong op jonge leeftijd gospel in de plaatselijke kerken en in de scholen waar hij studeerde. Zijn moeder trad op in nachtclubs, en op dertienjarige leeftijd leerde hij zichzelf drum spelen, en op vijftienjarige leeftijd vormde hij zijn teen popgroep. Naar het einde van zijn tienerjaren speelde hij drum bij de groep The Cadillacs, en het was precies als deel van deze ritmesectie dat hij door Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes gerekruteerd werd. In 1970 verliet leadzanger John Atkins deze groep, Harold Melvin vormde een nieuwe groep maar had ondertussen Teddy's vocale kwaliteiten opgemerkt, en vroeg hem om die plaats in te nemen.
Het is geen geheim dat Kenneth Gamble en Leon Huff van Philadelphia International Records, Marvin Junior van The Dells wilden voor hun platenlabel, maar deze groep zat onder contract bij Chess. Wanneer ze echter Teddy's baritonstem hoorden, boden ze The Blue Notes in 1971 vlug een platencontract aan. Met ‘I Miss You’ kwam een regelmatige stroom van hitsingles uit de collaboratie tussen Pendergrass en Gamble & Huff op gang, zoals ‘If You Don't Know Me By Now’ (genomineerd voor een Grammy Award), ‘The Love I Lost’, ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed (or take your love back)’, ‘Bad Luck’, ‘Wake Up Everybody’ en 2 gouden albums, ‘To Be True’ en ‘Wake Up Everybody’. De groep werd bekend als Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, featuring Teddy Pendergrass. Naast de twee eerder vermelde leden, bestond de groep verder uit: Bernie Wilson, Larry Brown en Lloyd Parks. |
Maar hoe meer succes de groep behaalde, des te hoger liepen de spanningen op tussen Melvin en Pendergrass. Teddy vond dat hij niet genoeg erkenning kreeg en verliet de groep in 1976. Hij begon een solocarrière. Zijn debuutelpee ‘Teddy Pendergrass’ (1977), evenals zijn vier volgende elpees ‘Life Is A Song Worth Singing’ (1978), ‘Teddy’ (1979), ‘Teddy Live! (Coast to Coast)’ en ‘T.P.’ werden bekroond met platina. Uit zijn debuutelpee kwamen de hitsingles ‘I Don't Love You Anymore’, ‘You Can't Hide From Yourself’, ‘The Whole Town 's Laughing at Me’ en ‘The More I Get the More I Want’. Rond deze tijd begin hij met “Ladies Only” concerten, optredens alleen bestemd voor vrouwen, geruggensteund door The Teddy Bear Orchestra. Vrouwelijke fans kregen bij de ingang lekstokken in de vorm van een teddybeer in witte chocolade (mm…). Teddy participeerde ook in het ‘Let's Clean up the Ghetto’ project, zowel in de bekende gelijknamige hit als in de week om de stad op te kuisen. De hitsingle ‘Close the Door’ uit zijn tweede solo-elpee werd gebruikt in de film ‘Soup for One’, waarin hij tevens een klein rolletje had, en ‘Dream Girl’ zong. ‘Teddy’, zijn derde soloplaat, leverde de hitsingles ‘Turn Off the Lights’ en ‘Come Go With Me’ op. Uit ‘T.P.’ kwam de hits ‘Can't We Try’, en het duet ‘Feel the Fire’ met Stephanie Mills. ‘It's Time for Love’ werd in de zomer van 1981 opnieuw met goud bekroond en bevatte de hit ‘I Can't Live Without Your Love’.
In 1979 won hij de American Music Award als “Favorite Male Soul/R&B Artist”. Verder werd hij drie keer genomineerd voor een Grammy, verkoos Billboard hem in 1980 als “Best R&B Artist”, kreeg hij een American Music Award voor beste R&B van 1978, beloonde Ebony magazine en het NAACCP hem. De Philadelphia Music Foundation vereerde Teddy in 1989 met een Philadelphia Music Award voor “Best Urban Album”. Een tijdlang overwoog men zelfs om hem de hoofdrol te geven in de film ‘The Otis Redding Story’.
Maar het noodlot sloeg toe op 18 maart 1982, wanneer hij met zijn Rolls Royce verwikkeld raakte in een auto-ongeluk. Hij was verlamd vanaf zijn middel en zat voor de rest van zijn leven vast aan een rolstoel. Toch wilde hij niet opgeven. Hij verkreeg gedeeltelijk zijn mobiliteit. Sedert zijn ongeval, was hij één van de beste spreekbuizen geworden voor gehandicapten. Zo stichtte hij de Teddy Pendergrass Education/Occupation Alliance for the Disabled, een Amerikaanse organisatie die opleiding, training en werkgelegenheid van mensen met ruggengraatbeschadigingen promoot. Philadelphia International bracht in de tussentijd twee albums uit, met niet eerder uitgebrachte songs, ‘This One's for You’ (1982) en ‘Heaven Only Knows’ (1983). In 1984 maakte hij zijn comeback met ‘Love Language’, een plaat die zelfs goud kreeg. Hierop zingt hij een duet met de debuterende Whitney Houston. Hij stichtte het Pendergrass Institute for Music and Performing Arts in Pennsylvania. Met Nick Ashford en Valerie Simpson zong hij vanuit zijn rolstoel in 1985 tijdens Live Aid. Verder maakte hij o.a. de lp's en cd's ‘Workin' it Back’ (1985), ‘Joy’ (1988, waarvan de titelsong twee weken op nr. 1 stond), en ‘A Little More Magic’ (1993). In de tweede helft van de jaren negentig kon hij aan de slag bij het Surefire/Wind Up label. In 1996 ging hij met Stephanie Mills en BeBe Winans de boer op, met de gospel musical ‘Your Arms Too Short to Box with God’. In 2009 werd de verzamelaar ‘Greatest Slow Jams’ uitgebracht. Hierop zijn de ballads uit de periode 1977-1982 terug te vinden, onder meer ‘Somebody Told Me’ en ‘And If I Had’ uit zijn debuutelpee. Deze laatste song kwam voor in de film ‘Choose Me’ uit 1985. Verder vind je uiteraard songs uit de periode toen men hem kende als “Teddy Pender the Female Bender”. |
Ondertussen zijn er enkele heruitgaven van zijn elpees op cd verschenen. En ik besprak hier in 2015 tevens de cd ‘Duets – Love & Soul’ met uiteraard enkel duetten op.
Zijn stem bezorgt me koude rillingen. Dat hij zo'n ongeval overleefde is een mirakel, en dat hij na twee jaar afwezigheid terug gouden platen maakte, is nog een groter mirakel. Het is werkelijk een testament van zijn muzikale capaciteiten en het bewijs dat zijn geloofsovertuiging hem erboven ophielp.
‘Truly Blessed’ is niet alleen de naam van de cd uit 1991, maar ook de titel van zijn autobiografie, die hij samen met Patricia Romanowski schreef. Hierna volgen enkele stukjes daaruit:
"Lying on his back, Jackie Wilson seemed hurt, but I saw him gesture to a guard to let a girl through the barrier. She fell upon him, wrapped her legs around his hips, and started rubbing her body against him. He was clearly enjoying it. From where I stood, I could have sworn they were actually making love as a throng of screaming, reaching women surrounded them. To say I couldn't believe my eyes begins to describe my reaction, an unfamiliar mix of awe, amazement and envy. On the one hand, I couldn't believe Jackie was getting away with this: He's really having sex on the floor of the Uptown! I thought. Man, I've gotta find a way to do this! If I had to name a single event that convinced me to become a singer, this was it."
"Between shows one night, I was standing outside the club we were playing, talking to a woman who was a dancer there. I was telling her how badly I wanted to sing and how I was thinking about quitting the Blue Notes to pursue that dream. Harold just happened to step outside about then and overhear me. Later he approached me and asked, 'Do you think you'd like to sing instead of playing drums? Because if you would, that's fine with me. I think you'd make a great singer.' "Singer? Damn! I couldn't believe my luck."
"As we were approaching the curve after crossing Wissahickon Avenue, something happened. I braked to slow the car, but it didn't respond. I instinctively gripped the wheel and hit the brake gain. Nothing. Then I heard a loud crash as we hit the metal guardrail. After that, I remember my head hitting the ceiling of the car, then a terrifying blur before the car came to a sudden, violent stop. . . . I was still sitting in the driver's seat, and my head was bent down in an odd position. I didn't know exactly what had happened, where I was, where the car was, or how it stopped. When I tried to move, nothing happened, and I was instantly overwhelmed by the wrenching fear that something was terribly wrong. When I tried to speak, my voice was so soft it was barely audible. No matter how hard I tried to speak louder, I simply couldn't. The early-spring night was cool and strangely quiet. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. This is all I can remember and all there is to say about the moment my life changed forever."
Zijn stem bezorgt me koude rillingen. Dat hij zo'n ongeval overleefde is een mirakel, en dat hij na twee jaar afwezigheid terug gouden platen maakte, is nog een groter mirakel. Het is werkelijk een testament van zijn muzikale capaciteiten en het bewijs dat zijn geloofsovertuiging hem erboven ophielp.
‘Truly Blessed’ is niet alleen de naam van de cd uit 1991, maar ook de titel van zijn autobiografie, die hij samen met Patricia Romanowski schreef. Hierna volgen enkele stukjes daaruit:
"Lying on his back, Jackie Wilson seemed hurt, but I saw him gesture to a guard to let a girl through the barrier. She fell upon him, wrapped her legs around his hips, and started rubbing her body against him. He was clearly enjoying it. From where I stood, I could have sworn they were actually making love as a throng of screaming, reaching women surrounded them. To say I couldn't believe my eyes begins to describe my reaction, an unfamiliar mix of awe, amazement and envy. On the one hand, I couldn't believe Jackie was getting away with this: He's really having sex on the floor of the Uptown! I thought. Man, I've gotta find a way to do this! If I had to name a single event that convinced me to become a singer, this was it."
"Between shows one night, I was standing outside the club we were playing, talking to a woman who was a dancer there. I was telling her how badly I wanted to sing and how I was thinking about quitting the Blue Notes to pursue that dream. Harold just happened to step outside about then and overhear me. Later he approached me and asked, 'Do you think you'd like to sing instead of playing drums? Because if you would, that's fine with me. I think you'd make a great singer.' "Singer? Damn! I couldn't believe my luck."
"As we were approaching the curve after crossing Wissahickon Avenue, something happened. I braked to slow the car, but it didn't respond. I instinctively gripped the wheel and hit the brake gain. Nothing. Then I heard a loud crash as we hit the metal guardrail. After that, I remember my head hitting the ceiling of the car, then a terrifying blur before the car came to a sudden, violent stop. . . . I was still sitting in the driver's seat, and my head was bent down in an odd position. I didn't know exactly what had happened, where I was, where the car was, or how it stopped. When I tried to move, nothing happened, and I was instantly overwhelmed by the wrenching fear that something was terribly wrong. When I tried to speak, my voice was so soft it was barely audible. No matter how hard I tried to speak louder, I simply couldn't. The early-spring night was cool and strangely quiet. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. This is all I can remember and all there is to say about the moment my life changed forever."
"I survived the depressions, the medical crises, the disappointments and hurts, but I didn't vanquish them. They'll be back. Before, I described living in a disabled body as being trapped in a carnival's haunted-house ride. I've been on it enough times now to have memorized the turns and dips, where the skeleton shakes and the werewolf howls. But the ride's still going and I'm still on it. Even God can't stop that. But I find faith in knowing that He didn't choose this path for me, and He is here beside me all the way."
Pendergrass woonde in een voorstad van Philadelphia met zijn vrouw. Hij had drie volwassen kinderen, maar zijn stiefkinderen, zijn geadopteerde kinderen en zijn kleinkinderen woonden allemaal vlakbij. Maar Teddy wist ook dat zijn fans hem trouw gebleven waren. Hij had daarover het volgende te zeggen: "I am most appreciative of the loyal fans I have who have said, 'We don't care what happened, man, we want to hear or see you.' I'm so happy that I've been accepted in this industry. People are treating me as if I had never left the stage. I'm just glad that people are noticing and recognizing that something tragic did happen, but it doesn't prohibit you from moving on or doing things you've done before. I have a couple of friends who are disabled who are not getting the same attention. Everybody should recognize that we are movers, so open up the doors!" Toen op 13/1/2010 kwam het trieste nieuws: De legendarische zwarte soulzanger Teddy Pendergrass is op negenenvijftig jarige leeftijd overleden. Zijn zoon Teddy II zei dat hij vorig jaar geopereerd werd van darmkanker, en dat hij na een moeizame herstelperiode uiteindelijk op 13 januari overleed. Teddy was gehospitaliseerd in het Bryn Mawr Hospital in een voorstad van Philadelphia. In 2006 nog had hij aangekondigd dat hij met pensioen ging. Maar het jaar daarop nam hij toch actief deel aan ‘Teddy 25: A Celebration of Life, Hope & Possibilities’. Tijdens die ceremonie, vijfentwintig jaar na zijn ongeluk, zamelde hij geld in voor ‘The Teddy Pendergrass Alliance’. Voor zijn dood werkte hij nog aan een muzikale documentaire over zijn leven, die ‘I Am Who I Am’ heet. “To all his fans who loved his music, thank you,” zei zijn zoon. “He will live on through his music.” |
Recent had ik contact met zijn weduwe Joan, die me de volgende informatie doorspeelde:
Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation
The mission of Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation is to create a coordinated outreach organization that encourages and assists individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) to achieve their maximum potential in areas of education, employment, housing, productivity and overall independence.
Through partnerships with existing organizations, the TJPF strives to expose the necessary resources; as well as help make the appropriate connections for people with SCI, so that they can have the opportunity to lead productive lives in their chosen profession.
In addition, the TJPF aims to highlight the contributions and achievements of these individuals in an ongoing effort to change the negative perceptions, which currently exist for people living with SCI.
In 1998, after all that he had experienced and endured, Teddy Pendergrass founded the Teddy Pendergrass Educational/Occupational Alliance for the Disabled, (Teddy Pendergrass Alliance/TPA), a Pennsylvania registered 501(c)3 organization. The purpose of TPA was to help those individuals with spinal cord injuries achieve the benefits they so richly deserve. Unfortunately, Teddy died before he could fully implement his vision but his widow, Joan Pendergrass, made Teddy a promise to continue the fight for those less fortunate than Teddy. So in 2015 the “Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation” was established to carry out the mission of helping those with spinal cord injuries.
The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation mission is to empower persons with disabilities. Its purpose is to be a coordinated outreach organization that encourages and assists individuals with spinal cord injuries to achieve their maximum potential in areas of education, housing productivity and overall independence”. Simply, “to be able to pursue their everyday activities and interests.”
Teddy believed that a physically challenged person can move forward in becoming and being an effective parent, business owner, can be satisfied with life, be challenged, and be competitive in every area including having and sustaining an intellectual, spiritual and sexual relationship. He believed that people who are physically challenged can do, almost, anything that any able-bodied person can do…they just do it, differently, and often times, better.
The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation is a non-profit organization, not looking for a cure, but looking to provide opportunities for the physically challenged, enabling the afflicted to pursue avenues to successes, big and small, innate and exceptional.
It is believed that there are more than 1,500,000 people with some form of disability in this country, alone. Sadly, and according to statistics, there are approximately 15,000 new spinal cord injuries from car accidents and/or swimming incidents, hundreds of people with permanent paralysis from botched surgeries, hundreds more from diseases and gunshot wounds each year. Let us not forget our brave soldiers and their families who suffer tremendous loss of physical abilities sustained protecting our freedoms, capabilities that they may never regain. The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation will provide a helping hand to all who reach out for opportunities necessary to get back to life…
A long term goal of the Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation, and a project begun by Teddy before he died, is the purchase a building complex in Philadelphia for the purpose of educational/vocational training and to provide temporary housing. Here those physically challenged individuals, who have met the necessary requirements, not criteria, will be taught new skills, perfect existing skills, and be educated,… to develop confidence and leadership abilities, to gain emotional independence, mental strength and freedom to compete, achieve and be productive in today’s society; qualified to be neighborhood, corporate and government leaders; without fear of incapability, or concern for anybody’s thoughts of what can or cannot be done.
The Foundation alone, cannot accomplish all that has to be done. We need you to be an Ambassador for Teddy and his dream, whenever and wherever possible. Tell everyone about your commitment, and challenge them to become partners, at some level. We need companies to develop opportunities for everyone…..and, of course, we need your financial support to help Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation acquire and develop that complex that will provide an educational/vocational training and temporary housing academy.
For more information on the Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation please contact us at P.O. Box 164, Randolph Mass 02368, Contact Email: [email protected].
Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation
The mission of Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation is to create a coordinated outreach organization that encourages and assists individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) to achieve their maximum potential in areas of education, employment, housing, productivity and overall independence.
Through partnerships with existing organizations, the TJPF strives to expose the necessary resources; as well as help make the appropriate connections for people with SCI, so that they can have the opportunity to lead productive lives in their chosen profession.
In addition, the TJPF aims to highlight the contributions and achievements of these individuals in an ongoing effort to change the negative perceptions, which currently exist for people living with SCI.
In 1998, after all that he had experienced and endured, Teddy Pendergrass founded the Teddy Pendergrass Educational/Occupational Alliance for the Disabled, (Teddy Pendergrass Alliance/TPA), a Pennsylvania registered 501(c)3 organization. The purpose of TPA was to help those individuals with spinal cord injuries achieve the benefits they so richly deserve. Unfortunately, Teddy died before he could fully implement his vision but his widow, Joan Pendergrass, made Teddy a promise to continue the fight for those less fortunate than Teddy. So in 2015 the “Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation” was established to carry out the mission of helping those with spinal cord injuries.
The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation mission is to empower persons with disabilities. Its purpose is to be a coordinated outreach organization that encourages and assists individuals with spinal cord injuries to achieve their maximum potential in areas of education, housing productivity and overall independence”. Simply, “to be able to pursue their everyday activities and interests.”
Teddy believed that a physically challenged person can move forward in becoming and being an effective parent, business owner, can be satisfied with life, be challenged, and be competitive in every area including having and sustaining an intellectual, spiritual and sexual relationship. He believed that people who are physically challenged can do, almost, anything that any able-bodied person can do…they just do it, differently, and often times, better.
The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation is a non-profit organization, not looking for a cure, but looking to provide opportunities for the physically challenged, enabling the afflicted to pursue avenues to successes, big and small, innate and exceptional.
It is believed that there are more than 1,500,000 people with some form of disability in this country, alone. Sadly, and according to statistics, there are approximately 15,000 new spinal cord injuries from car accidents and/or swimming incidents, hundreds of people with permanent paralysis from botched surgeries, hundreds more from diseases and gunshot wounds each year. Let us not forget our brave soldiers and their families who suffer tremendous loss of physical abilities sustained protecting our freedoms, capabilities that they may never regain. The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation will provide a helping hand to all who reach out for opportunities necessary to get back to life…
A long term goal of the Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation, and a project begun by Teddy before he died, is the purchase a building complex in Philadelphia for the purpose of educational/vocational training and to provide temporary housing. Here those physically challenged individuals, who have met the necessary requirements, not criteria, will be taught new skills, perfect existing skills, and be educated,… to develop confidence and leadership abilities, to gain emotional independence, mental strength and freedom to compete, achieve and be productive in today’s society; qualified to be neighborhood, corporate and government leaders; without fear of incapability, or concern for anybody’s thoughts of what can or cannot be done.
The Foundation alone, cannot accomplish all that has to be done. We need you to be an Ambassador for Teddy and his dream, whenever and wherever possible. Tell everyone about your commitment, and challenge them to become partners, at some level. We need companies to develop opportunities for everyone…..and, of course, we need your financial support to help Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation acquire and develop that complex that will provide an educational/vocational training and temporary housing academy.
For more information on the Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation please contact us at P.O. Box 164, Randolph Mass 02368, Contact Email: [email protected].
Tevens is er documentaire in de maak, waarover u hieronder meer kunt lezen:
BBC Films’ Joe Oppenheimer will act as executive producer alongside Shep Gordon (Pendergrass’ former manager), Daniel Markus and Allan Strahl. “From Olivia’s earliest pitch, we knew that this was a story demanding to be told,” said Oppenheimer. The singer rose to fame from an impoverished childhood, achieving global success as the lead singer of Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, with hits including “Don’t Leave Me This Way” and “If You Don’t Know Me By Now.” After launching a solo career, he became the first black male singer to record five consecutive multi-platinum albums in the U.S., but his career was struck by tragedy in 1982 when a car accident left him paralyzed at the age of 31. He later made a successful comeback before dying of respiratory failure in 2010. “Everyone knows his voice, but all too many have forgotten the extraordinary story of the man behind it, his unique contribution to the history of popular music and his courageous triumph over adversity,” said Lichtenstein. The film will feature interviews with Pendergrass’ family and friends, as well as industry legends, including Stevie Wonder, and rarely seen archival footage. En er is een tentoonstelling getiteld ‘I Am Who I Am’. U kan de videoclip bekijken op Teddy zal steeds in mijn gedachten blijven, als één van mijn favoriete soulzangers! |
Discografie: 1977 Teddy Pendergrass Philadelphia Int. Records (P.I.R.) 1978 Life is a song worth singing id. 1979 Teddy id. 1980 TP id. 1980 Teddy Live! (Coast to Coast) id. 1981 It's Time for Love id. 1981 Ready for Teddy id. 1982 This One's for You id. 1983 Heaven Only Knows id. 1984 Love Language Asylum 1985 Workin' It Back id. 1988 Joy Elektra 1990 Truly Blessed id. 1993 A Little More Magic id. 1997 You and I Eagle 1998 A Touch of Class TC 1998 This Christmas I'd Rather Have Love Surefire/Wind 1998 Teddy/It's Time for Love P.I.R. 2015 Duets – Love & Soul Verzameld werk: 1979 Teddy/This One's for You P.I.R. 1987 Greatest Hits id. 1994 Philly Years id. 1995 Back to back hits (met Al Green) 1998 The Best of Teddy Pendergrass Right Stuff 1998 TP… Plus West Side 1999 Turn off the Lights: The Best Music Club 1999 Teddy Pendergrass/Life is a song worth…West Side 1999 It's Time for Love/This One's for you 1999 Best of Teddy Pendergrass 2000 The Hits Intercontinent 2000 Significant singles West Side 2001 Greatest Slow Jams Capitol 2001 Very Best of…Golden 2001 Close the Door Brilliant Verder is hij terug te vinden op de volgende albums: 1973 Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes P.I.R. 1973 Phillysound - The Fantastic Sound of Philadelphia id. 1975 Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - Wake up everybody id. 1976 Various Artists - Billboard Top Dance Hits 1976 1976 Let's Clean up the Ghetto - Philadelphia Int. All Stars id. 1976 Let's Clean up the Ghetto/Live on Stage- Philadelphia Int. All Stars id. heruitgebracht op cd in 1993 Repertoire 1980 Blaxploitation/The Payback Global 1985 Whitney Houston Arista 1993 Black gold (4 cd box) Disky 1993 Eddie Murphy - Love's Alright 1993 Let 'em in - The soul of Philadelphia Laserlight 1996 Various Artists - Groove On! Vol. 3 1999 Various Artists - R&B: From Doo Wop to Hip Hop 2001 Various Artists - Say It Loud! A Celebration of… 2001 The Philly Sound 1966-76 (box) Epic Video: 1982 Live In London CBS/Fox Dvd: 2002 From Teddy, With Love YouTube ‘Close The Door’ ‘In My Time’ Compleet concert Meer info: |
© Patrick Van de Wiele